Beyond the corona crisis: towards a green fashion sector.
Seize on the corona crisis and take major, sustainable steps in the fashion industry. The time is right. Prominent players like Burberry, the H&M Group, Tommy Hilfiger and Calvin Klein are convinced of this. In an open letter, they call on fashion brands to take action to ensure that sustainability continues to play a central role in the joint recovery from Covid-19.
Rock-solid figures
The corona crisis clearly shows the impact on the environment. On the street and in the air, traffic has decreased dramatically, with blue skies and air quality improvements as a result. According to the Dutch National Weather Service (KNMI), the CO2 reduction in the Netherlands is 20 to 60%, depending on the region.
The fact that the fashion, clothing and textile industry is considered one of the most polluting industries in the world is common knowledge to many. The figures are shocking: in 2018, the last year for which data is available, the industry was responsible for 2.1 billion tons of CO2 emissions. This is four percent of global emissions, about the same as the United Kingdom, Germany and France combined. If insufficient action is taken, this will increase to 2.7 billion tons by 2030.

Strategy determination
Anno 2021: focus on business processes
More and more leading fashion brands are taking action to reduce CO2 emissions. Sustainable entrepreneurship goes further than just the way it is produced. In addition to reducing overproduction and the use of materials with less CO2 emissions, in 2021 a greater focus is on business processes. Less travel is one of the opportunities that contributes to a greener fashion industry.
Instore campaigning is THE way to bring new products and services to the attention. This often means that VM employees travel regularly to carry out installation and maintenance of instore campaigns and product placement. This could be considered unnecessary travel resulting in unnecessarily high CO2 emissions.
RGN is always nearby
This can be done much more sustainable. RGN supports more and more international operating retailers who want to reduce their ecological footprint. We take care of the assembly, installation and maintenance of instore campaigns on a global scale. We are always nearby, thanks to our worldwide network of more than 800 specialists. This makes long-distance travel no longer necessary, saves costs and reduces CO2 emissions.
Some brands we have recently work with in this area are Nike, Asics, Douglas, Desigual and G-star.
RGN challenges you, especially in this corona crisis, to follow in their footsteps! Will you pick up the gauntlet?