RegioBank rebranding: a powerful presence in the local streetscape

Project Rebranding
Scope ± 500 locaties
Challenge Creating a uniform and recognizable brand identity within a network of 500+ independent entrepreneurs without losing local uniqueness
Nieuwe RegioBank zuil met rood en wit als gevolg van rebranding
Group 79

RegioBank is a well-established name in the Dutch banking sector and has positioned itself as the alternative to the large established banks since 2013. With the ambition to become more visible in the streetscape, RegioBank opted for a rebranding. This move marked a departure from the recognizable kaleidoscope of its parent company, SNS Bank. We have supported RegioBank in implementing a new brand identity before, and we were once again the trusted partner chosen to successfully guide this rebranding.

The challenge: a uniform brand identity across 500+ locations

  • Franchise organisation: with 500 diverse franchise locations, RegioBank had a fragmented brand identity.
  • Lack of visibility in the streetscape 
  • Time pressure: to minimize the impact on operations, we worked with a tight timeline.
  • Implementation during winter: winter weather conditions limited the installation of certain signage elements.

RegioBank works with a network of over 500 intermediaries—independent entrepreneurs who sell bank’s products and services alongside their own offerings. During a rebranding to a much more eye-catching brand identity, creating support among franchisees was one of the biggest challenges for the success of the rebranding.

Personal approach: building support and enthusiasm

A rebranding is only truly successful if everyone identifies with it. Therefore, RGN actively involved the intermediaries in the process. After a thorough inventory of all locations, a visual proposal was developed for each branch. Within the guidelines, both the intermediaries and RegioBank had the flexibility to make adjustments. This not only created support but also generated enthusiasm among the franchisees, resulting in additional requests for signage.

Value engineering: one solution for all locations

How do you create a consistent appearance across more than 500 locations? Design agency Fabrique developed a comprehensive brand identity family, and we translated this into a scalable solution. Thanks to our practical experience and insight into production (im)possibilities, formats, and existing mounting points, we had a special RegioBank profile developed. This profile could be applied to both pillars and various lightboxes. The result:

  • Uniform appearance across all locations.
  • Accelerated production and installation through standardization.
  • Use of existing mounting points for minimal adjustments.
  • Significant cost savings, as no separate designs were required for each format.

Tooling: managing complexity

With more than 500 individual locations and various contacts, efficient communication was crucial. RGN used smart tooling to streamline all information and processes. This ensured:

  • Real-time insight for RegioBank into the progress, from production to delivery.
  • Efficient collaboration between all involved parties.
  • Clear and structured documentation, essential for management and maintenance

In a franchise organization like RegioBank, changes are frequent. To maintain a consistent appearance, we, together with RegioBank, set up a management system for:

  • New locations, closures, and relocations
  • Damage repair and maintenance of brand carriers
  • Active inventory management to quickly respond to changes

By using, the management process was optimally set up from day one, ensuring that RegioBank’s brand image is preserved.

The result: a stronger brand, recognizable everywhere

  • Unity in diversity: All 500+ locations now share a strong, consistent brand identity.
  • Increased brand awareness: RegioBank is now more visible in the streetscape and is more often recognized by potential customers.
  • Engaged entrepreneurs: the personal approach and involvement of the franchise entrepreneurs led to greater engagement with the brand.
  • Cost savings: by using a standardized profile for signage, significant cost savings were achieved.

Ready for a brand transformation?

A recognizable, consistent appearance is essential for your brand. We have extensive experience in rebranding projects for leading brands. Contact us to discover how we can make your brand stand out.

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