The reason why (potential) customers choose your brand often lies in the power of your branding. It keeps your brand top of mind. However, even the strongest brand occasionally needs a refresh – or a complete transformation: a rebranding. Maintaining a strong brand requires continuous attention and development. In other words, your brand needs an update from time to time. On average, organisations go through a rebranding every 7 to 8 years. And the implementation? It’s complex and often underestimated. At RGN, we understand that this is a specialised process. We’re here to take the weight off your shoulders during the rebranding process, so you can stay focused on your work.

Discover what RGN can do for your rebranding!
We bring years of experience in rebranding for businesses, organisations, and brands. Curious about what we can do for you? Share your details, and we’ll get in touch. We’re here to help!

Rebranding uitvoeren? Wij zijn er om jou te helpen!
Een rebranding van je bedrijf of merk realiseren? Wij helpen je bij een rebranding op maat! Van de eerste analyse tot aan de implementatie en het management ervan, wij blijven betrokken. Hierbij werken we graag nauw samen met jou en het ontwerpbureau. Of je nu bij iedere stap betrokken wilt worden of liever de volledige regie uit handen geeft, jij bepaalt. Met jarenlange ervaring in rebranding trajecten voor toonaangevende bedrijven hebben wij de kennis en ervaring om een goede rebranding strategie op te zetten en jou gedurende het gehele traject te begeleiden. Uiteraard wordt de rebranding strategie in overleg met jou opgesteld. Zodat het gehele rebranding traject goed kan verlopen en wij het gewenste resultaat kunnen behalen!
Your rebranding in a few steps
An effective rebranding starts with orientation. Using an impact analysis, we’ll provide insight into what lies ahead and the options available to you in terms of investment and execution. What needs to be changed? All branded assets, or just a selection? How, and at what cost? And within what timeframe? These are all logical questions, and we’re here to answer them. Based on calculated scenarios, we’ll determine the best way to implement the rebranding within your organisation.
Once the first phase is complete, we move to implementation. Over the coming period, we will renew your brand step by step and develop the rebranding strategy. Offices, stores, your fleet – anywhere you need us, we’ll make your world a little brighter. Our project managers will plan, oversee, and monitor your rebranding process – from implementing a completely new corporate identity to updating specific brand assets or launching a campaign. And they’re always just a call away.
Your rebranding strategy is implemented, and the process is complete. Case closed, right? Not quite. Now begins the management phase. It’s our job to keep your brand in top condition. Whether it’s your buildings, communication materials, or fleet, our brand management ensures your brand consistently reflects the quality and professionalism you envision.
“Working with RGN was great. From the initial request to delivery, we received professional advice and support. We’re thrilled with their expertise and the results of our campus wayfinding.”
Universiteit van Amsterdam
“We thought we could handle it ourselves, but we were glad we didn’t try. It truly is a specialised field.”
“RGN provided excellent advice, coordinated the entire project, and managed communications with all partners. They actively problem-solved and took care of everything, saving us a lot of work.”
Anthonita van Egmond | Manager Marketing/Communicatie & Public Affairs PreZero

Visuele identiteit rebranden
Wanneer je een merk of bedrijf wilt rebranden, dan zal dit ook erg opvallen bij de visuele merkidentiteit. Want dit omvat het herontwerpen van logo’s, huisstijl kleuren, typografie en diverse andere visuele elementen die gebruikt worden. Daarbij houden we er bij RGN altijd rekening mee dat de nieuwe uitingen esthetisch aantrekkelijk zijn, maar ook de kernwaarden van het merk goed weerspiegelen. Daardoor gaat het merk ook meer spreken vanuit de visuele identiteit en kun je de gewenste uitstralingen naar buiten brengen.
Naast de visuele aspecten is het ook erg belangrijk om de merkverhaal en tone of voice te herzien. Hierbij wordt er gekeken naar de website content, marketingmateriaal, visitekaartjes en andere communicatiemiddelen die gebruikt worden. Daarin willen wij graag voor een consistente uitstraling zorgen die past bij de nieuwe merkidentiteit. Bij RGN hebben wij verschillende experts die hierin de juiste adviezen kunnen geven, waardoor de rebranding tot een prachtig nieuw merk leidt!

Ready to rebrand? We’re here to support you!
Looking to rebrand your company or brand? We tailor every rebranding to suit your needs! From the initial analysis to implementation and ongoing management, we stay involved. We work closely with you and your design agency. Whether you prefer to be involved in every step or to leave the entire process in our hands – you decide. With years of experience in rebranding projects for leading companies, we have the expertise to craft an effective strategy and guide you every step of the way. Of course, the rebranding strategy will be developed in consultation with you. This ensures a smooth process and achieves the desired results.
RGN: For a successful rebranding journey
We’d love to discuss the different possibilities we can offer during a no-obligation consultation. Our experts are ready to assist you at every stage of your rebranding journey. Want to learn more about rebranding? Or are you ready to kick off a rebranding process for your company or brand? Get in touch with us and schedule an appointment!

Or call us at +31 88 987 99 00
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