Sustainable branding or sustainable brand implementation
In our previous blog in this series, we explained the concept of sustainable branding. However, there is a difference between sustainable branding and sustainable brand implementation. Sustainable branding is about showing what you stand for as an organisation. Sustainable implementation is about how you show it. Which materials do you use and what implementation method do you choose.

Local expertise
Especially for brands with many branded locations, both nationally and internationally, the travel distance is an important factor for the environmental impact. By using local partners, or Local Heroes as we like to call them, travel times and distances are significantly reduced. Moreover, it positively influences the local economy.
Practice shows that there are still organisations that use a single team to drive through the entire country, or even fly over half the world, to implement a new brand or campaign. In our eyes, this is should no longer be necessary! With the help of a good network of local qualified partners and the right tooling to effectively instruct and check whether the work was conducted properly, you have all the means to outsource the installation to your local partners. This is not only better for the environment, but also for the turnaround time, effectiveness and costs of your rebranding or campaign.
When combined with a centralised production you make optimal use of economies of scale and uniformity of appearance is guaranteed.
A detailed understanding
When local parties are deployed, it would be unfortunate if they have to pay multiple visits per location. As is the case when materials are wrongfully produced or delivered. A detailed understanding of the situation at the location is therefore indispensable. It prevents errors in production and makes it possible to work more effectively. One way to gain this understanding is by conducting a comprehensive inventory of all locations. When you use the right tooling, these inventories can be done perfectly by the beforementioned local partners, so no additional plane or car journeys are necessary.
Working conditions
As indicated in our previous blog, sustainability is about more than just the environment. It relates to social and financial matters as well. If tasks are outsourced to subcontractors, it is important they have the same values regarding safe working conditions and that employees receive fair compensation for their labour. Further, the safety at the work site needs extra attention, whether it concerns production or on-site installation of branded items. In our projects, safety is always one of the main concerns and a key issue in hiring subcontractors. The VCA-certificate, as is used in the Netherlands, is a good guideline to see if a subcontractor works safely.

Strategy determination
Durable materials
The materials used for branding and campaigns play an important role. Thanks to the developments of recent years, branding has become a lot more environmentally conscious. Just think of the replacement of fluorescent lighting by LED, the application possibilities of alternative energy sources such as solar and wind energy and the use of PVC-free types of vinyl. We also see an increase in the use of recycled and recyclable materials, like at the Energy Academy Europe.
And this is only a small selection of the possibilities. More alternatives are available for signing, signage, printing, packaging, campaign and event materials. There is, therefore, no reason to opt for environmentally-polluting materials. In one of our next blogs, we will pay more attention to possible alternatives.