What is sustainable branding?
January is traditionally dominated by new year’s resolutions and good intentions. We think that 2019 will be the year of sustainable brands. Many organisations have the intention to truly commit to sustainability from this year on. Hopefully, it will go further than just an intention. In this blog series, we will discuss sustainable branding in general. Today, we will specifically address the how and why of sustainable branding.
Sustainable branding is not new, it has been a hot topic for many years. Now that the effects of climate change are becoming more visible, plentiful consumers and organisations are paying extra attention to sustainability. According to an article in Forbes 90% of the CEOs indicate that sustainability is fundamental to success.

Sustainability goes beyond green
Sustainable branding, as the words suggest, means that an organisation presents itself as sustainable. We use it to describe organisations that actively pursue a positive environmental, social, and financial influence in their products/services and business operations.
Sustainability, therefore, not only refers to environmental issues. Social and financial aspects of the production and use of products and services are also part of it. However, the environment is a good place to start with sustainable branding!
Strategy determination
Why now?
If sustainability has been a hot topic for years, then why are brands focusing on sustainability right now? In addition to the fact that the effects of bad environmental and social policy are becoming increasingly visible, consumers have become more critical. The younger generations see the importance of a healthy world and make their purchases more conscious.
According to Fabrikbrands, 80% of consumers indicate that they are more loyal to brands that focus on sustainability. In addition, consumers are prepared to spend more money on products and services from sustainable brands. So it certainly has advantages for an organisation to examine sustainable alternatives.
Do what you say… and say what you do!
Sustainable positioning only works if general business operations and/or the product is truly sustainable. So do what you say! Because critical consumers will find out if you are not that sustainable at all. For instance, take a look at rankabrand to see how well (or badly) your favourite brands actually score on sustainability.
It also goes the other way around, you need to show what you are doing to make your organisation and products more sustainable. Otherwise, your customers will walk to the competitor who does show it.
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